How to Protect Yourself From the Effects of EMF Radiation - UltraLux Health
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How to Protect Yourself From the Effects of EMF Radiation

Crystal Olsen
September 20, 2022
woman using a cellphone and laptop

How to Protect Yourself From the Effects of EMF Radiation

Have you ever wondered how you can reduce the effects of EMFs in your life? Read on to learn how!

What Do I Need to Avoid?

Many people are accustomed to the comforts that modern technology brings into our lives, but how many know the negative effects that these devices can have on our health? Electromagnetic frequencies and their effects have been a topic of much scientific research since 1831. (1) How do they affect mankind? Where do they come from? How can we stop them from negatively affecting our bodies?

The Qi Home Cell in pine.

Where Do EMFs Come From?

Since the formation of our solar system, the sun has been a source of constant electric and magnetic frequencies. We can see the sun’s radiative energy through visible light. Unlike sunlight, most forms of EMFs are invisible to the naked eye. The first power line was built in 1889 and then in quick succession came the invention of the radio. The mobile phone was invented in more recent years. All of these devices emit the radiation known as EMFs.

There are two types of EMFs: non-ionizing and ionizing. Ionizing frequencies are more harmful because they emit higher levels of radiation, while non-ionizing frequencies release low-level radiation. A few examples of each are:

Ionizing Radiation

  • X-rays: There are many important and useful uses of X-rays. They can be used by doctors to better assess the condition of their patients. However, without the appropriate protective measures, X-rays can cause bleeding, vomiting, hair loss, and fainting. When receiving an X-ray, confirm with your doctor that the appropriate protective measures are upheld to prevent the harmful effects of these rays.
  • Gamma rays: Formed from the radioactive decay of atomic nuclei, these rays are some of the more dangerous and harmful forms of radiation. However, they also have some very good uses. These rays are used in medicine for radiotherapy to help fight against cancer.
  • Sunlight: Sunlight has many health benefits, including: improving the serotonin levels in your brain, giving you essential vitamin D boosts, and helping your overall happiness and health. Issues can occur when a prolonged amount of time is spent outdoors without proper protection against the sun. It is important to put on sunblock or wear hats or other protective clothing to avoid overexposure. Spending time outdoors is important and essential to good health but just keep moderation in mind.

Non-Ionizing Radiation

  • Bluetooth devices
  • Cellphones
  • Microwave ovens
  • Home energy smart meters
  • Radio frequencies
  • Wireless (Wi-Fi) networks
  • Power lines
  • Remote controls

Many People Experience the Negative Effects of EMFs

It is estimated that around 36% of the general population has a sensitivity to the effects of EMFs. (2) This type of sensitivity is known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS). If at times you find yourself constantly fighting to stay focused while working, have difficulty paying attention and focusing while using your computer or phone screen, or get headaches from fluorescent lights, you could be feeling some negative impacts of EMFs. Research on the impact of EMFs is still growing, however, a few of the more common symptoms of EMF exposure are:

  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Depressive symptoms
  • Tingling skin
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Memory changes
  • Headaches
  • Irritability

So how can we fight the harmful effects of EMFs?

How to Guard Against EMF Exposure

There are many avenues that you can take in protecting yourself against the effects of EMFs. A few simple, everyday options are putting your phone on airplane mode before going to sleep, removing electronic devices from your room completely to help you have more relaxing and rejuvenating sleep, and avoiding placing your phone closer than an inch from your head while speaking on the phone.

For more information about EMFs, their impact in your life, and how to avoid them, check out our other blogs.

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