Reverse Osmosis: Sophisticated Filtration - UltraLux Health
Closeup of a man with beard drinking a glass of water.

Reverse Osmosis: Sophisticated Filtration

Crystal Olsen
February 13, 2023
Closeup of a man with beard drinking a glass of water.

Reverse Osmosis: Sophisticated Filtration

Enjoy crisp, pure, great-tasting water at home with the two filters of the UltraLux Water Machine™.

The UltraLux Water Machine is a robust, at-home reverse osmosis water filtration system that can give you pure, great-tasting water right at home. What makes the UltraLux Water Machine special? This system has a complex two-filter system that works to filter out more impurities to further clean your water. After filtration, the water goes through UV sanitation. In addition, the machine infuses molecular hydrogen in the water to boost your health!

If you’re unsure if two different filters are necessary, keep in mind that many microscopic things are lurking in your water, and the more you can get out, the better. Take a look at the different things that the UltraLux Water Machine filters out, and you may find yourself wanting purer water at home. UV sanitation and infused hydrogen add a host of benefits, as well.

Two-Step Filtration System

The UltraLux Water Machine has a two-step filtration system that is very robust. The first filter water moves through is a polypropylene and activated composite filter called the CBPA Filter. The second filter is a reverse osmosis membrane and post activated carbon composite filter (ROCB Filter). This means that the second filter acts both as a reverse osmosis membrane and a carbon filter. Each filter is designed to remove specific impurities from your water. Read on to learn how the UltraLux Water Machine works to make your water clean, pure, and great-tasting.

CBPA Filter

The CBPA Filter is made of 5-micron, polypropylene material and activated carbon. Micron is a unit that measures the size of particles that are filtered out by a filter. For example, a 5-micron filter can stop particles that are 5 microns or larger from passing through the filter. A micron is also known as a micrometer, which is a thousandth of a millimeter. (1)

This means that the CBPA Filter is designed to remove large particles, like suspended solids and rust, from your water. The CBPA Filter can also remove chemicals, along with tastes and odors. (2, 3)

Suspended Solids

Any solid, waterborne particles that are larger than 2 microns in size are referred to as suspended solids. (4, 5) These particles contribute to turbidity (cloudiness) of water. Although most suspended solids are made of inorganic materials, it is not uncommon for organic solids, like algae and bacteria, to become suspended in water. (4)

Some of the most common suspended solids include (4):

  • Clay: Not harmful to your health, but gives water a cloudy appearance and can also affect the smell and taste
  • Bacteria: Some bacteria can pose a risk of disease or illness
  • Gravel: Tiny gravel particles can make your water dull, murky, and cloudy
  • Sand: Common with well water or in areas with sandy soil
  • Silt: Can alter the appearance of your water

Most inorganic suspended solids are not a health risk, but they can create aesthetic and taste issues with water. On the other hand, organic suspended solids can cause health issues when consumed. (4)


Rust can enter water as iron pipes rust over time. Consuming rust in your water is not a health threat, as oxidized iron is a nutrient your body needs. (6) The Environmental Protection Agency even says that rusty water is safe to drink. (7)

The main concern with rust in your water is that it can give the water a reddish or brownish hue that is unappealing. Also, if the amount of rust is excessive, the taste of your water can also be affected. Rusty water may also collect bacteria, which could be harmful to your health. (6)


Some contaminants that enter water supplies can affect our health. Solvents, industrial waste, and pesticides can be the source of these contaminants. Benzene, trichlorethylene, carbon tetrachloride, chlorobenzenes, and other contaminants can pose health risks if they are in quantities above the EPA Health Advisory Level. Filters with activated carbon, such as the CBPA Filter, can remove these contaminants. Activated carbon filters can also remove chlorine and chloramines from water. (8)

Side profile of a man with a beard drinking a glass of water.

Reverse Osmosis Membrane

The ROCB Filter has a filtration accuracy of 0.0001 microns. In other words, this filter can stop particles that are 0.0001 micrometers or larger from passing through the filter.

As there are two distinct aspects to the ROCB Filter, we’ll talk about each part separately. First, let’s go over the reverse osmosis membrane. After the water passes through the CBPA Filter, it goes through the reverse osmosis membrane. The RO membrane is designed to remove bacteria, heavy metals, dissolved matter, and salinity from drinking water. (9, 10)


People often think of bacteria as bad, but not all of them are. However, it is imperative that all harmful bacteria are properly removed from your drinking water. If harmful bacteria are not removed, you could consume a disease-causing bacteria that makes you sick. (11)

Water-associated diseases are still very common in developing countries. However, they are still a major concern in developed countries like Europe and the United States. (12) Also, some people are at higher risk of catching waterborne diseases than others, particularly infants, children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. (11)

Consuming water with harmful pathogens can cause nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, kidney failure, or even death. (11, 13) Some pathogens also cause infectious diseases like hepatitis. (13)

Most total coliform bacteria in our environment are not harmful, but there are several pathogens and bacteria that are concerning. Many of these come from animal or human waste. Drinking water that is not properly filtered may contain Giardia lamblia, Salmonella, E. coli, Hepatitis A, Legionella pneumophila, or other bacteria. (14) The reverse osmosis membrane in the UltraLux Water Machine ensures that harmful bacteria are filtered out of your drinking water.

Heavy Metals

Heavy metals are elements that are five times more dense than water or more. Heavy metals include, but are not limited to:

  • Arsenic
  • Chromium
  • Cobalt
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Lead
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Mercury
  • Nickel
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Some of these metals, like zinc, magnesium, and iron, are essential nutrients to the human body. However, they can be harmful if consumed in excess. Other heavy metals have no health benefits and are very toxic to humans, even in small amounts. (15, 16)

The Earth’s crust naturally contains heavy metals. Through time and human activity, some of these metals have made their way into public water systems. If humans consume toxic heavy metals, toxicity via reactive oxygen species (ROS) occurs. ROS are toxic free radicals that cause oxidative stress and contribute to multiple health issues. (16)

The human body is not able to rid itself of toxic metals on its own. If someone is exposed to large amounts of toxic metals, they may experience acute heavy metal poisoning. However, it is more common for people to experience chronic exposure when they are exposed to lower amounts of toxic metals over a long period of time. Chronic exposure can lead to various health problems with severe symptoms. It may be more difficult to detect and diagnose the development of chronic heavy metal poisoning because it develops slowly and often has symptoms similar to other diseases. (15)

Since your body cannot get rid of heavy metals, they accumulate. The continual buildup of toxic metals can lead to many health issues, including:

  • Damage to the kidneys, liver, lungs, and other organs
  • Impaired central nervous system
  • Impaired mental function
  • Cancer

Properly filtering your drinking water can help you avoid toxic metals building up in your body. The reverse osmosis membrane is a great way to reduce your exposure to heavy metals.

Dissolved Matter

Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) refers to the amount of dissolved organic matter and inorganic salts in water. TDS in water mostly consists of dissolved inorganic salt, which includes magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, chlorides, bicarbonates, and sulfates. (17)

Total dissolved solids are present in various water sources, like natural mineral springs, agricultural and urban runoff, sewage, road de-icing, industrial wastewater, and more. There is little evidence supporting that TDS in general pose a health risk. However, if there is a large amount of specific TDS — like nitrate, arsenic, lead, and aluminum — in your water, you may experience some adverse health effects. (17)

Usually, dissolved matter in drinking water is simply an aesthetic issue. High amounts of TDS in water can result in a brackish, bitter, or salty taste. High TDS can also increase the hardness of your water, which results in mineral buildup and water spots. (17)


Salinity is the amount of dissolved salt in water. Salt can enter waterways when the water runs over rocks that contain soluble minerals. Salty water can also come closer to the surface because of irrigation, industry, improper land use, and inadequate removal of vegetation. (18)

The human body has a balance between potassium and sodium. When these are properly balanced, they help remove unwanted liquids from the bloodstream. If too much salt is ingested, the kidneys can’t properly remove excess water from the bloodstream. This can result in the kidneys becoming overwhelmed and experiencing damage or failure. Increased blood pressure and heart problems can also result from improper fluid removal. (18)

Reverse osmosis membranes are very efficient at removing salinity. In fact, most result in 98% to 99% removal! With the reverse osmosis membrane in the UltraLux Water Machine, you can rest assured that your water has as much salt removed as possible.

Cropped image of a man with a beard holding a glass of water.

Post Activated Carbon Composite Filter

The second part of the ROCB Filter is the post activated carbon composite filter. This portion of the second filter is designed to remove any remaining chlorine and odor, and help improve the taste of your drinking water. (19)


Chlorine is commonly added to water as a way to disinfect drinking water. This means that there are often residual amounts of chlorine left in your drinking water. The small amounts of chlorine left in water typically don’t cause immediate harm. However, continual, daily exposure to these residual amounts of chlorine can cause some health issues. (20)

There are no definitive studies showing the harmful effects of consuming chlorine in drinking water. However, several investigations have found a correlation between ingesting drinking water with chlorine and various types of cancer development, as well as higher cholesterol levels. (20)

Some are more sensitive to the effects of drinking chlorinated water than others. However, most people agree that chlorinated drinking water smells and tastes different from untreated water. (21) Removing chlorine from your water can provide you with the benefits of chlorinated water but without the negative side effects.


Odor in water is not necessarily an indication that something bad is in your drinking water, but it is certainly off-putting. Odor in water can come from various sources, including (22):

  • Water that is contaminated from surface runoff
  • Improperly located septic systems
  • Leaky septic systems
  • Organic matter trapped within piping
  • Chlorination
  • Bacterial growth

In most cases, water with an odor is just an aesthetic problem. However, a few specific odors can indicate a problem. A sulfurous (rotten egg) odor can mean there is bacterial growth in your water source. A musty, earthy, moldy, or fishy smell in your water could indicate organic matter or the presence of bacteria in your drinking water. (22)

Activated carbon filters are excellent at removing odors and other contaminants from your water. So you can get clean, great-tasting water that is odor-free.

UV Sanitation

The UltraLux Water Machine uses UVC sanitation, which provides a unique advantage over other RO systems. The UVC light performs extra sanitizing on the water running through the machine.

In a regular RO system, the RO membrane has to be cleaned frequently to prevent the buildup of bacteria and viruses, which could damage the membrane. The UltraLux Water Machine uses UVC light sanitation to kill bacteria and viruses that become caught in the RO membrane. (23) The UVC light comes after the RO membrane in the UltraLux Water Machine, so the light kills any bacteria that the RO membrane misses. (24) Because of this, you can get the cleanest water possible with very little maintenance. The UVC light comes on every time water passes through the ROCB Filter. This extends the life of the machine.

Hydrogen Electrolysis

After the water has been both filtered and sanitized, molecular hydrogen is dissolved into the water using electrolysis. The water from the UltraLux Water Machine has 1.6 parts per million (ppm) of hydrogen. To put this in perspective, that’s over three times the minimum therapeutic amount.

As of February 2023, 1,250 studies have been published on the effects of molecular hydrogen. (25) These studies reveal a plethora of health benefits, including that hydrogen:

  • Reduces recovery time
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves mitochondrial health
  • Increases energy
  • Increases endurance
  • Helps prevent disease
  • Helps decrease the effects of aging
  • Enhances focus
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Combats oxidative stress
  • Helps prevent diseases
  • Boosts memory
  • Acts as an antioxidant

Purer, Safer Drinking Water

Cleaner water not only tastes better, but it is essential for your health. The UltraLux Water Machine is an incredible at-home filtration system that uses a two-step filtration system. You and your family can get pure, great-tasting water with every sip.

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