What Should I Know About EMF Radiation? - UltraLux Health
Radio Tower

What Should I Know About EMF Radiation?

Logan White
September 6, 2022
Radio Tower

What Should I Know About EMF Radiation?

An increasingly popular area of research is the study of electric and magnetic fields (EMFs). Research has revealed some potentially harmful effects.

Introduction to Radiation

Radiation is energy that travels from a starting point through space. It travels in waves that are usually called “electromagnetic waves.” This energy travels at the speed of light and creates an electric and magnetic field. The energy is measured by the size of wavelengths it has and thus organized on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The smaller the wavelength, the more harmful the radiation can be to the human body. Some examples of this category of energy, which is called “ionizing radiation,” are X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. Radio lengths and other types of energy with large wavelengths are in the “non-ionizing radiation” category (1).

What Does EMF Stand For?

“EMFs” is an acronym that stands for electromagnetic fields. These fields are made up of invisible waves of energy. The acronym is simply another term for radiation. Throughout the rest of this blog, we will either refer to “EMF radiation” as “radiation” or “EMFs.”

Stressed man sitting near Laptop

A History of Radiation

It is believed that the sun is one of the first sources of ionizing radiation to have affected us through history. Other sources of this more harmful, shorter wavelength radiation are X-rays and gamma rays. Willhelm Röntgen discovered X-rays in 1895. Then in 1896, Henri Becquerel discovered that energy is emitted by certain substances. Marie Curie, Becquerel’s student, later named this energy “radioactivity.” She was awarded two Nobel Prizes for her research into radioactive materials, radiology, X-rays, and the discovery of two radioactive materials (2). After this, the study of radiation continued to increase in popularity among researchers.

With further advancements in technology came an increase in the use of non-ionizing radiation emitters. Sources of non-ionizing, longer wavelength radiation include:

  • Powerlines
  • Microwaves
  • Wi-Fi
  • Wi-Fi routers
  • Cellphones
  • Cell towers
  • Bluetooth
  • Radio waves
  • Hairdryers

All of these can be considered EMFs. However, how does this longwave radiation affect humans?

Man and Woman Looking at A Laptop

In What Ways Do EMFs Affect Us?

The majority of the general population is in constant contact with both non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. Radiation exposure through Wi-Fi and carrying around our cellphones can have an impact on our health. Although study into this field is new and continuing to grow, there are a few common symptoms that have been found, including:

  • Fatigue and low energy
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep Disturbance
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Tingling skin
  • Nausea

If you find it difficult to stay focused while working on your laptop, get headaches from too much screen time, feel dizzy and nauseous after using technology, or even struggle to have a good night’s sleep when near electronics, you may be having symptoms from prolonged EMF exposure. You may be wondering, “Why do I feel these symptoms?” We can help you better understand.

Woman Meditating

Why Do We React to EMFs?

Our bodies use electricity for a large amount of our bodily functions. Our cells have been designed specifically to create and conduct currents of electricity. These currents are used to communicate messages between our brains, nervous systems, and bodies. For example, if you drink a hot drink and burn your tongue, your nervous system will register the pain involved. Electrical messages then tell your brain that you are feeling a large amount of pain in your tongue and mouth and should do something to stop it. Your brain then tells the rest of your body to stop touching the hot liquid, and your body complies. Electrical currents are the foundation of how our brain processes, thinks, and goes about its usual functions (3).

Similar to how our bodies transfer electricity to different parts, EMFs are a type of electricity being emitted from a source. In our everyday lives, we are exposed to many different electromagnetic frequencies from our laptops, cellphones, Wi-Fi routers, and other technology. This electricity can have a negative effect on our bodies. For example, holding your phone up to your ear as you talk on the phone can interfere with the electrical communication in your brain. By upsetting these internal processes, EMFs can be a cause of a wide range of negative health issues. These health issues can affect our brain, memory, and other essential bodily functions. Further, there are some studies that have found that non-ionizing radiation can cause an increase in free radicals, a higher risk of miscarriage, and an increase in reproductive issues (4) (5) (6) (7) (8).

What Can I Do to Protect Against EMFs?

There are a few practices that can help you limit exposure to EMFs, including:

  • Spending time in nature: Increase your outdoor hobbies. Go for a walk or a hike, garden, or find opportunities to get away and just enjoy the outdoors.
  • Limiting phone time: Some ways that you can limit your phone exposure is through avoiding sleeping in the same room as your cellular device. Another way is through selecting the airplane mode option on your phone before you fall asleep.
  • Avoiding Bluetooth: The frequency of Bluetooth devices is very similar to microwave ovens. Therefore, prolonged exposure to Bluetooth could be potentially detrimental to your health. We would suggest considering wired headphones as an alternative.
  • Limiting Wi-Fi exposure: Consider turning off your router before you turn in for the night. This will give you some eight to nine hours of EMF-free sleep each night.

These small changes can most certainly assist in reducing your EMF exposure. However, there are other ways to better reduce such exposure. One way to protect yourself and those you love is through using personal-protection devices.

Waveguard has become the world leader in EMF protection. Their devices (Qi Devices) have been proven through double-blind studies to decrease EMF waves and depolarize radiation. Qi Devices have also been proven to decrease physical stress, decrease the amount of EMF radio waves in an area, and reduce exposure to EMFs.

Qi Devices have a variety of protective ranges that can work well in different circumstances. These can range from protecting a large, 20-story building to simply protecting your person. Our different products — the Qi-Shield, the Qi-Home Cell, and the Qi-Max — can meet any need you may have.

Click here to begin protecting yourself and those you love today!

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