Can EMFs Cause Fatigue? - UltraLux Health

Can EMFs Cause Fatigue?

Crystal Olsen
October 5, 2022

Can EMFs Cause Fatigue?

If you experience frequent fatigue, EMF exposure may be the cause. Reduce your EMF exposure and boost your energy!

A shocking 45% of Americans who get seven to eight hours of sleep each night still feel tired or fatigued three times a week. (1) Some suffer from chronic fatigue while others experience frequent bouts of fatigue that come from daily living. What if you were able to prevent the fatigue you’ve been feeling?

Fatigue & Its Causes

Even though fatigue can result from a lack of quality sleep, fatigue is not simply being tired. Fatigue is defined as an overwhelming lack of energy or feeling of tiredness. This can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks. Those who experience fatigue not only feel unable to do anything because they are physically drained but also have a hard time concentrating or staying focused. (2)

Fatigue can be a sign that there is a greater health concern or illness. However, fatigue can also result from a variety of other factors, including (2):

  • Consuming too much caffeine
  • Emotional stress
  • Lack of sleep of physical activity
  • Medications

Another possible contributing factor to your fatigue is EMF radiation.

EMF Exposure & Fatigue

Several studies show a strong correlation between EMFs and fatigue. Continue reading to learn some of the findings.

Melatonin Production May Be Reduced by EMFs

The hormone, melatonin, is produced by your body to promote sleep. If you don’t have enough melatonin, you may experience irregular sleep patterns. Fatigue, along with several other health issues, may be the result.

Several human health studies have discovered that those who are exposed to EMFs have lower levels of melatonin. A study performed in 1996 found that there is a “significant association between MF [magnetic field] exposures and lower daytime melatonin levels.” (3) A study performed the following year showed that EMFs contributed to reducing nighttime melatonin levels. (3) These studies, although performed several years ago, provide data and evidence that we should take into account. These studies are growing more and more relevant as our society uses more and more devices that emit EMFs.

Thyroid Hormone Production May Be Disrupted by EMFs

Your thyroid aids in your body’s hormonal regulation. The thyroid controls your metabolism by releasing hormones that help govern several different functions throughout the body. If your thyroid releases too many or too few hormones, a variety of health issues can result. (4)

Among the hormones that your thyroid produces and regulates are triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). T4 stimulates cell and tissue metabolism in the body by stimulating oxygen consumption. (5) T3’s main role is to help maintain brain function and development, muscle control, and heart and digestive functions. (6) Hypothyroidism occurs when your thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones. This leads to your body’s systems slowing down. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism. (7)

A study performed in 2019 found that participants who were exposed to EMFs had lower thyroid hormone levels (specifically T3 and T4 hormones) than those who were not exposed. (8) These findings suggest that EMFs may reduce the amount of hormones produced by your thyroid. This could lead to hypothyroidism and the associated fatigue.

Sleep Disturbances May Be Caused by EMFs

You may feel tired during the day if you experienced a poor night’s sleep. If you regularly experience poor-quality sleep, you may experience fatigue. Several studies show a correlation between EMF exposure and impaired sleep. A 2008 study showed that people who lived near transmission lines reported more sleep impairment (and other side effects) than those who did not. (9) A study performed in 2002 observed two groups of people for six months to measure their exposure to EMFs and any side effects. The group of people who reduced their exposure to EMFs reported 64% improvement in sleep quality, as well as a 55% improvement in other symptoms. (9) These studies, along with others, show that EMFs may interfere with quality of sleep. Frequently experiencing poor sleep can contribute to fatigue.

Qi-Shield and Qi-Home Cell on a table with a cloth and plant.

Combat Fatigue by Reducing EMF Exposure

If you suspect that your fatigue is caused by EMF exposure, here are a few things to do to reduce your exposure and help reduce your fatigue:

  • Reduce the amount of time you spend using electronic devices each day
  • Keep your cellphone and other electronic devices in another room while you sleep

Enjoy your life more fully with less of the side effects of EMF exposure. Make the change, and protect yourself and your family from EMF exposure today.

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