Benefits of Red Light Therapy - UltraLux Health
Woman wearing a bath towel and a towel over her hair touching her face and smiling.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Crystal Olsen
December 9, 2022
Woman wearing a bath towel and a towel over her hair touching her face and smiling.

Benefits of Red Light Therapy

Did you know that red light therapy (RLT) may be a safe and effective treatment for many health concerns?

If you have seen red light therapy (RLT) available in spas, gyms, or tanning salons, you have likely wondered what its health benefits are. RLT is even offered in dermatology offices, which lends credibility to this type of treatment. (1)

The History of RLT

RLT is also referred to as photobiomodulation (PBM) or low-level laser therapy (LLLT). This treatment was discovered by accident in 1967 by a Hungarian scientist who was attempting to cure tumors in rats with a low-powered laser. The laser stimulated wound healing at the tumor sites instead of curing the tumors. This led to a series of papers on LLLT. Initially, LLLT was studied for pain reduction and wound healing in conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, and neck pain. Because the term “low-level laser therapy” was ambiguous, LLLT became known as PBM. PBM later became known as red light therapy because during treatment, your skin is exposed to a device with a red light. (2, 3)

In the 1990s, RLT rose in prominence when scientists were trying to help plants grow in space and found that RLT promoted the growth of the plants’ cells. Because of this discovery, scientists studied whether or not RLT could increase energy in human cells. The results were that RLT helped treat the side effects of weightlessness from space travel, including bone density issues, atrophied muscles, and slowed wound healing. (4, 5, 6)

Young woman getting red light therapy on her face.

The RLT Process

The skin is exposed to low levels of red light, which the body experiences as heat, during an RLT session. The source of red light is placed near the skin so that its energy can penetrate into body tissues. This energy induces tissue regeneration, wound healing, and increased circulation in diseased or damaged areas. The red light also helps reduce chronic and acute pain and inflammation and restores normal cell function. (6)

Unlike pulsed-light therapies, which damage the skin to induce tissue repair, RLT will not burn or damage the skin. Its low level of heat means that RLT eliminates this step and instead stimulates the skin. (3, 4)

Scientists are investigating potential applications of RLT at basic and clinical levels. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved RLT for reducing fat stores in the body, temporary relief of joint and muscle pain, and hair regrowth. Some RLT devices have also been approved for home use by the FDA. (6)

Someone holding their scraped knee in both hands.

Benefits of RLT

Several promising health benefits of RLT have been shown through studies.

Anti-Inflammatory Support

The AIMS Biophysics journal states that RLT has anti-inflammatory abilities. According to researchers, this means that RLT may be able to help treat chronic inflammation-based diseases like Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, tendonitis, arthritis, psoriasis, and thyroiditis. (7)


A study that observed people with dementia for 12 weeks found that those who were treated with RLT experienced better sleep, memory improvement, and less anger. (3)

Hair Growth

A study that was published in the Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy revealed that RLT improved hair density in people with alopecia. In another study, the results showed that men and women with alopecia grew thicker hair after using a home RLT device for 24 weeks. (3, 7)

Pain Reduction

Studies gathered in the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine show that RLT may be effective in pain management for people with certain musculoskeletal disorders. Research showed that RLT reduced musculoskeletal pain in adults. One study showed that participants that were treated with red light therapy experienced 50% less osteoarthritis pain. (3, 7)

Skin Improvement

According to a review in Seminars in Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery, RLT may increase the production of collagen, which is responsible for skin’s elasticity. The same review states that RLT may increase circulation between tissue and blood cells, protect skin cells from damage, and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. A study published in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery showed that RLT can improve the complexion and feel of the skin. (7)

TMD Pain

Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) involves pain in the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles. RLT has been shown to relieve tenderness, pain, and clicking in TMD patients. (3, 8)

Weight Loss

In addition to diet and exercise, RLT may assist in losing weight. Here are some initial results, though keep in mind that more studies are needed (9):

  • A double-blind study showed that people who received six RLT sessions for two weeks lost about 3.5 inches more from their thighs, midsections, and hips than the control group.
  • A study showed that the waist circumference of participants who had RLT treatments twice a week was reduced by 0.8 inches.
  • Another study compared a group treated with RLT with a group treated with a placebo. The RLT group had a 1.5-inch decrease in upper arm circumference, and the placebo group saw no change.
  • A two-week study at a U.S. clinic showed that those treated with RLT had a decreased waist size (1.1 inches), thigh circumference (1.2 inches), and hip circumference (0.8 inches).

Wound Healing

Initial research in this area shows that RLT may accelerate wound healing by reducing inflammation and stimulating the formation of new blood vessels. RLT can also aid the skin in producing fibroblasts, connective-tissue cells that secrete proteins including molecular collagen. (7, 10)

Asian woman looking in the mirror while wearing a towel over her head and touching her face.

In Conclusion

Now that you’re familiar with the possible benefits of RLT, you can consider whether RLT is right for you and your family. Talk to your doctor about this painless natural remedy.

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